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Our History

The Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity was founded on November 7th, 1913, at the NYU School of Commerce when 11 Jewish men, who would later become known as the "Immortal Eleven" came together under the Arch at New York City's Washington Square. The Zeta Chapter, the 6th chapter to be founded (corresponding to its letter in the Greek alphabet), was founded on November 24th, 1920. Our chapter officially started in 1923, and before then, we operated as an underground club known as the "Sigma Gamma Club" on Georgia Tech's campus. At that time, our house was located on Spring Street.

   During World War II, many members went to fight in the war, so the Zeta Chapter lost fraternity status within Alpha Epsilon Pi as it did not have enough members. However, in 1945, "Sigma Gamma" became, officially, a local fraternity and had its Zeta Chapter status reinstated in 1946 at the conclusion of the war. The first house at our current location, 714 Techwood Drive, was built in 1954. A new wing was added to the house in 1964, although this wing burned down in 1975 and had to be rebuilt. This house stood for 63 years until being demolished in 2017 and rebuilt in 2018 in the form you can see it in today.

2023 Executive Board


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